Sunday, May 22, 2011

new developments...

Hello neglected blog-viewers!

How have you been? I've been great! Let me fill you in on what's been going on (some of these are bigger than others... take this as your warning. If you aren't currently sitting[although I'm pretty sure you are], you might want to grab a chair)

1. I'm home from college.

Bittersweet to say the least. I am really going to miss my Luther friends, but I am so glad to be home. It really sucks since I"m not going back to Luther next year, but I know that being at home will show me who my true friends are. The last couple weeks of school I felt like I was home every weekend... actually, I was. But every time I went home it was like a teaser for what the summer was going to be. It was so hard to focus through finals week, I didn't write one of my papers until the day before it was due, and I was supposed to start writing it at least two weeks before... woops. All in all I think I did pretty well though. After one of my finals my hand ached(3 essay questions that ended up being 6 pages worth of hand-written responses), and the rest were due before the actual test date, or at least had to be finished out of class(take home test, paper, speech).

2. I did a mass removal of facebook friends.

I went from something like 650 friends on facebook to 290! I went through, and everyone I wouldn't go out of my way to hang out with off of facebook got deleted. I figure, facebook is a place for people to see who I am, and I know for a fact(because I'm this way too) that people judge other people through their facebook... pictures, status updates, wall comments... all a chance for people to take something and form an opinion about you. I figure there are plenty of people that I don't really want judging me, especially when they don't know me very well. Part of my doing this was because of recent activity #3!

3. I'm pregnant!

Yep, it's true. I'm sure some of you out there have heard rumors, or have heard it from me or my family personally. I am 34 weeks pregnant, due July 1. I know... farther along than you might have expected. But due to some really crazy and sometimes crappy circumstances, most people didn't know until about a month ago. It's stupid to say that I was scared to tell my family, I think it was more that I didn't know how to tell them. I knew I would have their support, but I also knew that pregnancy changes everything. No more Luther, no more late nights with the girls(to an extent), and a complete change of focus-from myself, to this little baby boy. It's scary, but really exciting, and my family is excited too! This has turned from something that I dreaded to something I'm really looking forward to, because for all the doors that have been closed, a lot of new ones have been opened for the same reason.

I'm really glad to finally get this out there. I wanted to do it after I left Luther, because in all honestly, Luther is a breeding ground for gossip that I really didn't need to deal with in my current state. I didn't want this new development in my life to be something that was negative, and I knew that that is exactly what would have happened at Luther. But now I am surrounded by positive people that I know are going to be supportive of me! I am so excited for this little boy to get here, and am so excited to tell you what's going on in the meantime!

(In case you didn't believe me, here's the belly to prove it!)


  1. i love this! i love you!!

  2. Cute prego belly! Love you and am so happy you can finally let the world know. :)

  3. i love you and am proud of you chels!

  4. chelsea, i'm so proud of your honesty, takes a lot of guts, not that I ever questioned whether you had any :) even though it's been quite awhile since we've talked/hung out but know that i'm always here for you!
