South Dakota is by far my favorite vacation destination.
I'd almost go as far as to say I'd like to live there... but I have a feeling I'd run out of things to do reeeally quickly if I did.
Either way, I love taking people up there with us to share my love of the Black Hills. This year it was the perfect opportunity for us to meet up with Jack's family so that they could finally meet Carter! They were already planning a trip to the midwest to help Jack's sister, Maggie, move into Luther, so we decided to rendezvous with them at our cabin. It was so nice to have most of both of our families finally meet each other, plus we got to have some quality bonding time between all of us!
Carter's grandparents, Rich and Mary, and his aunt, Lilly, meeting him for the first time
Jack sporting Carter in the Baby Bjorn in front of Mt. Rushmore
Baby Bjorn pals!

My Mom and Haven at Rushmore slides

Campfire in the back yard!
Daddy and Baby snoozin!
I miss that trip so much already! I just want to play monopoly with you guys again. :(